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Engineer a Better Way to Work Together

Offer engineering teams a better way to collaborate, communicate and manage projects through video.

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The Engineering Academy Video Portal

Get everyone on the same page with an easy-to-navigate video hub to centralize all your go-to content. From onboarding new engineers to knowledge sharing and preservation, help everyone get the full picture, from anywhere in the world, 24/7. Automatically organize videos in channels by topic. Then share chosen videos with other teams so everyone can stay on top of the latest updates.

Build Stronger Teams Through Video Collaboration

Drive easy collaboration, with and within video. Upload, edit, and share videos with team members for the easiest way to share designs and screens asynchronously. Automatically upload Zoom recordings so everyone has access to meetings. Leave feedback, ask questions, or tag another individual for clarification with in-video commenting.


Recommend Relevant Content

With metadata-rich videos, it’s possible to match content with more accuracy. Once a team member has finished watching a video, serve additional relevant content with a smart, ‘Related Videos’ playlist, so they can continue to discover more relevant information that they didn’t know existed.

Ditch the Infinite Scroll

Instantly answer questions with in-video search. Looking for a specific topic? Automatically analyze every word spoken or written on screen in every single video. As your engineers search, surface the video containing their answers and enable them to immediately jump to the exact point in that video where the answer is revealed. Teams can focus on meeting project timelines, not endlessly hunting for answers.


Get to the Point

Create instant executive summaries for long videos with AI-powered highlights. Need to get up to speed? Stop sitting through extraneous content and cut straight to the most salient points. Knowledge sharing has never been more efficient or effective.


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